Monday, October 16, 2017

Donald "not so smart."

For years, Trump has said he is “a very smart guy” since he attended Wharton — a school he describes as “super genius stuff.”

Trump, who graduated from Wharton in 1968, was NOT on the dean’s list!

In 1968, The Daily Pennsylvanian published a list of the 56 students who were on the Wharton Dean’s List that year — Trump’s name is not among them.

Pages from the 212th Commencement show President Donald Trump as a 1968 Wharton graduate, but that he graduated without honors.

A copy of the lists 20 Wharton award and prize recipients, 15 cum laude recipients, four magna cum laude recipients and two summa cum laude recipients for the Class of 1968. Trump’s name appears nowhere on those lists.

“If he had done well, his name would have shown up.”

There are 366 listed 1968 Wharton graduates on Penn’s alumni database.

The Dean’s List of 56 students represents approximately the top 15 percent of the class.

The omission of Trump’s name in any category suggests that his academic record at Penn was not outstanding.

It seems that what dumb dumb Donald says about others is often pointing out his own weaknesses.

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