Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mind over Matter

Once again, anything that cannot be RATIONALLY explained, can be IRRATIONALLY explained.

Start first with rationalism...

The universe we sense is, no doubt, about 1% of the universe.

But, the short answer is: "It doesn't matter!"

Padre Pio, a.k.a. Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, was a friar, priest, stigmatist, and mystic, now another saint in the Roman Catholic Church.

Prayer is often claimed to be beneficial. Academics disagree.

"The first known studies were published in 1873 by English polymath Francis Galton. He found no statistical evidence that prayer prolonged life or reduced stillbirths..."

You are you own religious authority. There is no other. The list of those NOT TO TRUST is almost endless!

Google it for yourself!

Saint Richard, a.k.a. Dick - the b*t f*cker... It's only 1 in 50!

With so many Roman Catholic Ministers world wide, it makes some sense that some confuse "fruit of the womb" with Fruit of the Loom.

Knock, knock. JW Paedophiles.

Letter From Rome
The Vatican’s Secret Life
Despite headlines about a powerful “gay lobby” within the Vatican, and a new Pope promising reform, the Catholic Church’s gay cardinals, monks, and other clergy inhabit a hidden netherworld. In Rome, the author learns how they navigate the dangerous paradox of their lives.

It's not just JWs or Great Mother Cult folks. HERE is a list of recent players.

British Baptists are carrying out a review of cases of "inappropriate behaviour or abuse" by ministers in an investigation that goes back as far as the 1940s.

THIS is a nice read (where I got the picture below).

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